Yesterday I became 25! Which was nice. Had a lovely day out in Oxford - fresh food, yummy friends, bit of old air.
Luckily I'd managed to get my annual birthday meltdown out of the way the day before ...
Turning 25
Saying goodbye
Felt stranger
Than I'd thought it would.
Nothing on my ipod
Matched my mood,
And I flicked through
Tune after tune,
Sitting on the rail replacement
Bus service,
Not sure where
I was going
Or how to call Phil,
Since my phone battery
Was dead
And I didn't have change
For the phone booth
At Liverpool Street.
Late to meet
Phil's sister for the first time,
Claustrophobic on the central line,
Panicky on the northern,
And tomorrow
I'll be 25
And I don't know what to do.
That was FAR TOO GLOOMY and should have been REPRESSED. Quick quick, here is a silly poem featuring a bird and a worm:
'Haiku', mused the bird.
'Bless you',
Replied a passing worm,
Who assumed
That the bird had sinus problems.